Grey Ridge Ramblings
Grey Ridge Ramblings
I have decided to write a series on exactly what we peasants are doing here on the vineyard - partly as a record for future reference (can't rely on the memory these days ) - and for your entertainment as well!
Seeing as we have now been here 3 months, I might have to write some retrospectively - but...
I have decided to write a series on exactly what we peasants are doing here on the vineyard...
I have decided to write a series on exactly...
Grey Ridge Ramblings
Grey Ridge Ramblings
Sometimes it is really helpful to get an overview of your situation - especially when life is a bit overwhelming!
Work on the vineyard has definitely been fairly daunting over the last few days.
At the moment we are in the midst of "doing laterals", which means removing the side shoots sprouting vigorously...
Sometimes it is really helpful to get an overview of your situation - especially when life...
Sometimes it is really helpful to get an...
Grey Ridge Ramblings
Grey Ridge Ramblings
When a WWOOFer becomes ill, how much do you offer in terms of support/advice/time/money?
Today, one of our pair of WWOOFers became ill, and was told by our local GP to go through to Dunedin Hospital Emergency Department. It was an urgent but not life-threatening condition, so an ambulance was...
When a WWOOFer becomes ill, how much do you offer in terms of support/advice/time/money?
When a WWOOFer becomes ill, how much do you...
Grey Ridge Ramblings
Grey Ridge Ramblings
Would you invite a young stranger or two into your home?
Would you feed and house them and treat them like family, all for the sake of 4-6 hours of work a day?
This is the deal that you agree to when you sign up with the NZ Wwoofing association. “Wwoof” stands for various phrases including...
Would you invite a young stranger or two into your home?
Would you feed and house them and...
Would you invite a young stranger or two...
Grey Ridge Ramblings
Grey Ridge Ramblings
Having fun, BUT...
Two weeks on the vineyard and the reality of the task that we have taken on is somewhat overwhelming.
We are having great fun out on the vineyard, but the marketing side of the venture, which is rather important really, is less fun. However, no sales means no income, so it must be...
Having fun, BUT...
Two weeks on the vineyard and the reality of the task that we have taken...
Having fun, BUT...
Two weeks on the vineyard...